Kon­zert im Haag: Kat Jones live


06. Juli. 2023


20.00 Uhr


Kino Atelier & Café Haag

Kat Jones

As anyo­ne who has had their heart bro­ken can attest, it can feel like the end of the world. But what if the world coming to an end might also be real­ly hap­pe­ning? Would your heart be able to tell the difference?

On her reve­la­to­ry and recko­ning new live EP, Nash­ville, TN‐based but inter­na­tio­nal sin­ger, song­wri­ter, and per­for­mance artist Kat Jones crea­tes a maelstrom of delec­ta­ble expe­ri­men­tal pop.

The title of the coll­ec­tion was inspi­red by the pas­sing of Jones’ father, the sor­row of which com­bi­ned with fee­lings that ever­y­thing she loved about hers­elf and the world was being threa­ten­ed, “and I wan­ted to over­co­me that trau­ma.” The next few years then beca­me mord­ant­ly dra­ma­tic, as she sur­vi­ved a flood, a tor­na­do, a mys­te­rious chro­nic ill­ness, and she lea­ned hard into remai­ning ali­ve even as ever­y­thing see­med onto­lo­gi­cal­ly bleak. We are Warm, Young, Blood seems like songs made to train for what the world is going through tog­e­ther now.

In addi­ti­on to her musi­cal work, Kat uses her 5‑octave vocal ran­ge to gui­de you through various sound­scapes and per­for­mance art pie­ces and col­la­bo­ra­ti­ons.  Through using her voice to sym­bo­li­ze the tra­jec­to­ry of Earth as it hurt­les through space in a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with NASA and SpaceX, crea­ting moments of inti­ma­cy and con­nec­tion through her instal­la­ti­on, The Veil, or a col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with con­tem­po­ra­ry and aeri­al dance com­pa­ny FALL, Dear Apo­ca­lyp­se, which cen­te­red on over­co­ming and sur­vi­ving PTSD, Kat aims to chan­ge the space around the lis­te­ner by crea­ting a sen­se of rever­ent awe for the moment and space that the lis­te­ner finds them­sel­ves within.

In this way, Kat Jones calls you to find the unvei­ling of your own heart within wha­te­ver apo­ca­lyp­se you may be expe­ri­en­cing and hopes to act as a gui­de to fin­ding the strength within to sur­vi­ve and trans­form into a grea­ter ver­si­on of yours­elf.  Howe­ver, mes­sy and beau­tiful that pro­cess may be.


Mehr Infos:

Web­sei­te: https://www.katjonesmusic.com/

Musik: https://katjones.bandcamp.com/

  • Kino Atelier & Café Haag
  • Vor dem Haagtor 1
  • Tübingen
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • 72070
  • Deutschland


  • 06. Juli. 2023 20.00 Uhr
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