Tübin­gen Tri­via Pub‐Quiz


29. Juli. 2023


21.00 Uhr


Kino Atelier & Café Haag

The Tübin­gen Tri­via Quiz Challenge!

Should we make gene­ti­cal­ly bet­ter humans? Should we make smar­ter, stron­ger and healt­hi­er peo­p­le by chan­ging their DNA? Is this the future of huma­ni­ty or is this play­ing god? This sum­mer, stu­dents and visi­ting lec­tu­r­ers are coming to Tübin­gen from Stock­holm, Madrid, Athens, Bucha­rest, Aix‐Marseille, Glas­gow to take part in this year’s CIVIS Blen­ded Inten­si­ve Pro­gram­me on the sci­ence, ethics, and gover­nan­ce of human geno­me editing. For one night, the stu­dents and staff will be in Café Haag to chall­enge the good peo­p­le of Tübin­gen to a nice of rapid‐fire ques­ti­ons on sci­ence and sport, movies and music, poli­tics and public per­so­na­li­ties. The­re will be pri­zes! Call in, take part, have a drink and may­be win some­thing nice!

Orga­nis­ed by the Ethics of Geno­me Editing Rese­arch Unit, Insti­tu­te of Ethics & Histo­ry of Medi­ci­ne, Facul­ty of Medi­ci­ne, Uni­ver­si­ty of Tübin­gen and CIVIS.

  • Kino Atelier & Café Haag
  • Vor dem Haagtor 1
  • Tübingen
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • 72070
  • Deutschland


  • 29. Juli. 2023 21.00 Uhr
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