Tai­wan Docu­men­ta­ry Film Fes­ti­val 2022


25. Nov. 2022


14.00 Uhr


Taiwan Documentary Film Festival (25.11.-26.11.2022)

The annu­al Tai­wan Docu­men­ta­ry Film Fes­ti­val (TDFF) is joint­ly admi­nis­te­red by the ERCCT and the Insti­tu­te of Asi­an and Ori­en­tal Stu­dies, Depart­ment of Chi­ne­se Stu­dies, at Tübin­gen Uni­ver­si­ty. The first fes­ti­val took place in May 2006. Every fes­ti­val cen­ters on eit­her a par­ti­cu­lar topic, often rela­ted to soci­al­ly mar­gi­na­li­zed groups in Tai­wan, or on the work of an invi­ted guest director.

Friday, 25 November 2022

14:00   Opening Ceremony with opening remarks by Prof. Schubert and Director General of the Taipei Representative Office branch office in Munich Dr. Dieu Ian-Tsing.

14:15   Documentary 1:  睜開左眼 (2009, 56 min.)

15:25   Documentary 2:   控制 Self-Censorship (2017, 120 min.)

17:30   Q&A with guest director Lee Hui-Jen

18:30   Feature film: Dear Tenant 親愛的房客, Cheng Yu-Chieh (2020, 107 min.)

Saturday, 26 November 2022

10:00   Documentary 3: 蘋果的滋味 The Taste of Apple (2015, 120 min.)

12:15   Documentary 4: 寄居蟹的諾亞方舟 (2011, 57 min.)

14:15   Documentary 5: 上學去 (2020, 90 min.)

15:45   Q&A with guest director Lee Hui-Jen





  • 25. Nov. 2022 14.00 Uhr   -   26. Nov. 2022 16.30 Uhr
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