South Indi­an Evening at Café HAAG (SOLD OUT)


15. Nov. 2022


18.30 Uhr


Kino Atelier & Café Haag

Event organized by Spicetripping Foodtruck Tübingen

We warmly invite you to an evening of culinary tasting combined with a travel presentation on the expedition to India.

South Indian Evening on 15th November 2022 at 19:00

3-course vegetarian/vegan dinner and "Travel South India" presentation by Vielfalt Indien GmbH

Ticket price is 20 Euro per person , Tickets can be picked up on the food truck in Person or by DM on Instagram (here) and by Whatsapp on 0177 800 5447.
You can find more information about the menu and the daily location of the foodtrack on Facebook (here).We hope you will come curious and hungry!Number of seats limited - please contact the organizer immediately to purchase tickets.

  • Kino Atelier & Café Haag
  • Vor dem Haagtor 1
  • Tübingen
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • 72070
  • Deutschland


  • 15. Nov. 2022 18.30 Uhr   -   21.00 Uhr
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