07. März. 2023
18.00 Uhr
No Woman No Film & Gast: Waiting for Raif (OmU)
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FR 2022 | 101’ | Drama, Romanze | Regie: Luc Côté, Patricio Henriquez | Originalfassung mit englischen Untertiteln | Mit: Isabelle Huppert, Lars Eidinger, Swann Arlaud, Freya Mavor
Filmed over a period of eight years, “Waiting for Raif” tells the tragic tale of a family torn apart by the Saudi monarchy’s intransigence, as it follows Ensaf Haidar’s inspiring battle to free her husband, prisoner of conscience Raif Badawi. The documentary offers a privileged and moving look at the personal and political implications of the affair, providing an inside view of the challenges faced by a young refugee mother of three, both in her adopted home of Quebec and on the global
Veranstaltung in Kooperation mit der Friedrich Naumann Stiftung.