MITT­WOCHS­BÜH­NE: Dani­el Willem


09. Okt.. 2024


20.00 Uhr


Kino Atelier & Café Haag

Dani­el Wil­lem isn’t your avera­ge Ger­man Singer/Songwriter. Visual­ly, musi­cal­ly and lyri­cal­ly way more at home in Ame­ri­can Folk & Rock Music than any­whe­re else, you can see the spark in his eyes when he talks about his time in Cin­cin­na­ti which was so cru­cial for him beco­ming a musi­ci­an full time.
After hundreds of natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal con­certs, sup­port shows for artists like Gre­go­ry Por­ter, CRO or Asaf Avi­dan, Dani­el Willem’s songs are bit­ters­weet alle­go­ries on life on the road. Tra­ve­ling the world, fin­ding new adven­tures and let­ting them find you. His idea of music is the defi­ni­ti­on of a total roman­tic: the jour­ney beco­mes the desti­na­ti­on. Whe­ther it’s real sto­ries or just things made up in your mind. His Music is like a day­d­ream brought to life.
„Play­ing live is by far the most exci­ting part of being a musi­ci­an,“ Dani­el Wil­lem says.
“I want the audi­ence to con­nect, to see them­sel­ves in my music, to cele­bra­te with me the good things in life or even the bad things. Well, it’s all about get­ting out the­re, even if it means that you might get hurt.“
His Mot­to: Who wants to stay at home, living a bor­ing life if get­ting out the­re on the road pro­vi­des you with much bet­ter songs?


Kon­zert ab ca. 20 Uhr. Ein­tritt frei, um Spen­den wird gebeten.

  • Kino Atelier & Café Haag
  • Vor dem Haagtor 1
  • Tübingen
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • 72070
  • Deutschland


  • 09. Okt.. 2024 20.00 Uhr
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