
24. Okt. 2023


20.00 Uhr


Kino Atelier & Café Haag

Musi­ka­li­sches Double‐Feature: JERE­MY TUPLIN zusam­men mit MOCK DEER live im Café Haag

Ein­tritt frei
Spen­den erwünscht!

Jere­my Tuplin is a singer‐songwriter from Somer­set in south‐west Eng­land. Blen­ding intri­ca­te lyri­cism and sto­rytel­ling within a sound­scape ran­ging from indie to psy­che­de­lic rock to “space‐folk”, he released the albums ‘Pink Mir­ror’ in 2019 and ‘Vio­let Waves’ in 2020, both on Trap­ped Ani­mal Records, to wide­spread accla­im. Alter­na­ting play­ing stripped‐back shows and fron­ting his own band, a cast of deli­ca­te and psy­che­de­lic sup­port­ing musi­ci­ans, The Sad & Lonely Dis­co Band, each show is a cap­ti­vat­ing expe­ri­ence. 

2023 has seen the arri­val of a new con­cept album: Orville’s Dis­co­the­que. It tells the sto­ry of a fla­wed dis­co enthu­si­ast and his roman­tic tra­vails — out now on Trap­ped Ani­mal Records.

“9/10 — Bill Cal­la­han on shrooms” — The Line Of Best Fit

“8/10 — Tuplin belongs in the lineage of arch dra­ma­tists like Tin­der­sticks and The Natio­nal” — Uncut Maga­zi­ne

Mehr Infos zu Jere­my Tuplin und sei­ner Musik fin­det ihr auf sei­ner Web­site und auf Spo­ti­fy.


Mock Deer (Ricky Damia­ni) is a sin­ger and song­wri­ter based in Lon­don. Alt­hough much of his life has been spent in North Wales and Man­ches­ter, he has beco­me an inte­gral part of the capital’s inde­pen­dent music sce­ne via his pro­li­fic work with fel­low artists from the city and bey­ond. He has tou­red exten­si­ve­ly in the UK, Euro­pe and Cana­da, and shared the stage with artists such as The Bur­ning Hell (Can), Simon Joy­ner (US), Joan Shel­ley (US) & Brent Cobb (US). He has appeared at seve­ral UK fes­ti­vals, inclu­ding Fes­ti­val N6, Wil­der­ness, Head for the Hills, The End & Unci­vi­liza­ti­on. Mock Deer has released seve­ral EPs and com­po­sed ori­gi­nal music for TV and theatre.

Mock Deer is curr­ent­ly in the stu­dio working ona new EP. Due for release in Autumn 2023, the­se recor­dings will show­ca­se a new band and evol­ving sound.

“Enga­ging, inten­se… You sen­se that he real­ly means it”— Ame­ri­ca­na UK

Mehr Infos zu Mock Deer fin­det ihr hier und auf sei­nem Spo­ti­fy.




  • Kino Atelier & Café Haag
  • Vor dem Haagtor 1
  • Tübingen
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • 72070
  • Deutschland


  • 24. Okt. 2023 20.00 Uhr
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