FILM & GESPRÄCH: Requi­em for the Ame­ri­can Dream


07. Nov. 2024


19.00 Uhr


Kino Atelier & Café Haag

Scree­ning and Q+A. The pro­mi­se of the Ame­ri­can Dream is still inte­gra­ted into the fabric of the con­tem­po­ra­ry U.S. ima­gi­na­ti­on, but many of us won­der: Is it still achie­va­ble? Kel­ly Nyks docu­men­ta­ry Requi­em for the Ame­ri­can Dream is dedi­ca­ted to the topic of social evo­lu­ti­on. Based on Noah Chom­sky book “Requi­em of the Ame­ri­can Dream”, the docu­men­ta­ry shows the renow­ned Ame­ri­can pro­fes­sor and intellec­tu­al, who dis­cus­ses the topic by out­lining ten prin­ci­ple of the con­cen­tra­ti­on of wealth and power as well as the ques­ti­on: How has it come about that fewer and fewer peo­p­le are beco­ming finan­ci­al­ly strong and poli­ti­cal­ly influ­en­ti­al? What cha­rac­te­ri­zes the shift in social dyna­mics that we are facing currently?

After the scree­ning, Nyks will be available to dic­suss the movie and for ques­ti­ons to give an insight into his care­er as a film maker and his expe­ri­en­ces and pro­ces­ses of crea­ting docu­men­ta­ries on an inter­na­tio­nal level.

Kel­ly Nyks is an Emmy nomi­na­ted film­ma­ker and New York Times best sel­ler. He has work­ed across the Ame­ri­cas, Asia and Euro­pe, and was recent­ly Artist‐in‐Residence at Har­vard Uni­ver­si­ty in the Facul­ty of Arts and Sci­ence. He lives in New York City.

In Eng­lish

  • Kino Atelier & Café Haag
  • Vor dem Haagtor 1
  • Tübingen
  • Baden-Württemberg
  • 72070
  • Deutschland


  • 07. Nov. 2024 19.00 Uhr
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